Friday, August 10, 2007

I woke up at 5:45 this morning on purpose... go running. I am so excited about this new morning person I am becoming. We will see how long it lasts.

And his nickname is...

We were at the library waiting for a music class to start and Dash was over flirting with a couple kids who were also patiently waiting. Nels walked up and proudly announced that "This is my baby." The little girl asked Nels what his baby's name was and Nels told her it was Dashiell, but that his nickname was "the San Francisco treat".

You know, like "Dash-a-roni, the San Francisco treat".

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Under the chapter titled 'What NOT to do' in the Parenting book

I told Nels, unequivocally, that we would not be going to the park with his friends because he had not been listening or helpful at all. A half hour later I am at the park chit-chatting with my friends and Nels is frolicking in the sand with his.

The very next day I told Nels that if he didn't want to finish his breakfast that was fine, but he would have to eat it for lunch. I forgot about the cold oatmeal in the fridge and he had his favorite, PB and J, for lunch.

Even if there was a book, I would still fail.