Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The last couple of months have been a little crazy for me and my family. I have been involved in a Broadway Musical Review called "GOOD TIMES" that our Stake has been working on. My official title on the program is 'Production Assistant' which sounds more official than it should, but makes me feel very cool! My mom and Michael have been working just as hard as I have but 'official babysitter and 1st and 2nd Production Assistant' didn't give them the credit they deserve and unfortunately did not have a good spot on the program.

It is here. This Friday is the first show. Get your tickets now. It is exciting; butterflies in the stomach exciting. It keeps me up at night. Not just the excitement, but all the things I still need to do before the next rehearsal...I will also be glad and sad when it is over, just like all things of this nature. I will be glad to get back to my life and sad to not constantly see the new friends I have developed over the last several months.


Emily said...

I wish I could come, Production Assistant. Good luck!!

Jennifer said...

I'm pretty excited to come and see the show! You do make good friends - did you know the last Stake production was how Robyn and I got to be friends?

whit said...

Pepper, good luck with everything. I know you have been working hard. I would like to add to mom's title: Costume Maker. Every time I call, she is working on those costumes.

whit said...

Good Luck tonight Pepper! Break a leg! Or tell the play people to break a leg.

lys said...

Whoa! I'm so glad that I finally found your blog! Your kids are so darn cute & I loved the story about the "crusher pajamas!"

Anonymous said...

Pepper! The show looks awesome! I'm just so sad that I'm not on the stage with everyone! So great to see you all!

Love Sara Barber

AmyJune said...

Good luck!!

whit said...

Pep, how does it feel to be done? Hope the show went well.