Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Early the other morning, Nels walked into my room and asked if he could play with the electric Christmas train. Not ready to open my eyes, I told him he had to wait until I could get the living room vacuumed before we would get the train out. I vaguely remember hearing the hall closet open and the vacuum being dragged down the hall. He then came back into my room and asked if I would help him vacuum the living room. Trying to be a fun mom and not the usual morning grouch that I am I said sure, in a relatively cheerful voice, but I still didn't move. Nels responded "Well then, Lets go! March...two...three...four" as he marched out of the room.


whit said...

Pepper, I am telling you, you need more pictures, I mean a picture! You have such cute kids, you need to show them off. Cute story, though.

AmyJune said...

How old are your kids?

pepper said...

Nels is 3.5 and Dashiell is 8 months.

Jolynn said...

Wow, Pepper, that is really funny!!